How to avoid bad breath while wearing invisalign or braces?

Bad breath is a problem that is faced by many amongst us. Not only does bad breath affect our health adversely, it is also a key factor that hinders us mentally when it comes to interacting with people around us. Bad breath usually occurs due to individuals not brushing properly or via bad oral habits.
Here in this article, let us address the issue of bad breath for people wearing invisalign or braces as it becomes especially hard for folks to maintain good oral hygiene when wearing these oral health devices. Here are some tips that can help you stave off bad breath:
- It might look like a generic advice, but always brush your teeth twice a day no matter what to prevent the onset of bad breath.
- Make sure to brush your gums, roof of your mouth and tongue very well since they are breeding grounds for proliferation of bacteria.
- Consult your dentist and get a mouthwash that refreshes your mouth and help combats the bacteria present in your gums and teeth.
- You can also use a hydrogen peroxide solution as a paste to whiten your teeth and reduce the odour present in your dental region.
- Eat healthier foods. Foods that are rich in sugar such as sugary drinks and icecreams ought to be avoided if you are at a high risk of getting bad breath. Eat healthy vegetables and grains that are devoid of carbs to maintain cleaner teeth.
- Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated helps stave off bacteria and reduce the acidic nature of your oral region.
- Floss regularly. In addition to brushing, adopt good flossing techniques so as to prevent accumulation of plaque between your teeth.
- Use a tongue scraper or a tooth prick to remove food particles after the end of a meal.
- Use a toothpaste that works for your teeth. A branded toothpaste that is rich in fluoride might work just fine.
- Use breath mints that are available off the counter.
In conclusion, it takes discipline to prevent bad breath especially whilst wearing invisalign or braces.
Feel free to consult an orthodontist if you are not sure on what to do, as a dentist would be able to give you better advice based on your medical history and the type of braces you wear.
Thanks a ton for this particular piece of writing. I will talk about it with people I know.