LocusDental Care

Since 2002

(Dr Ram's Dental Care & Maxillofacial center)

Oral Surgery

Extracted Tooth

The do’s and Don’ts after removing a tooth

by locusdental

Tooth Extraction or Tooth Removal is a surgical procedure of removing a tooth without damaging the surrounding tissues. The option of removing a tooth is preferred when an infected or damaged tooth cannot be repaired with dental restorations or RCT procedures. Hardships like bleeding, inflammation are common for a few days following the extraction.

How does smoking affect your oral health?

by locusdental

Effects of  SMOKING  on Oral health We all probably know the effect of smoking on your lungs, heart and your general health. Are you aware that smoking affects your oral health too apart from stains?  It can cause gum disease, periodontal disease (tissues around tooth), bad breath, tooth loss, bone loss and in severe case … Continue reading How does smoking affect your oral health?

Bone Grafting Surgery

Bone grafting to restore your lost bone in mouth

by locusdental

Persons having sufficient bone in the place of his/her missing tooth are eligible to go for dental implants. This is because your jaw should have enough strength provided by bones to support the implants. Although your jaw does not have enough bone support, you can get such cosmetic dentistry treatments with the help of bone … Continue reading Bone grafting to restore your lost bone in mouth

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