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How to choose the right toothpaste according to your dental problems and age?

Pick the Right Toothpaste

Dental products matter!

Dental products play a major role in the maintenance and upkeep of your oral health. A basic necessity of the modern human, the choice of the toothpaste for daily use is a key factor when it comes to the upkeep of your oral health.

In an era of capitalism, we are flooded with a range of toothpaste options. All of the options might not be appropriate for you and it is important to remember that there are a myriad of factors to be considered before choosing the right toothpaste. Let us look at them in this article:

1)The amount of fluoride present in a toothpaste

The presence of fluoride is a key factor when determining if a toothpaste needs to be used or not. Fluoride is well known for its cavity fighting properties and if you are suffering from gum disease or at the risk of contracting one, you should opt for a tooth paste rich in fluoride.

In addition to cavity fighting properties, here is what a fluoride rich toothpaste can do:

  1. Strengthen tooth enamel.
  2. Reverse or stop tooth decay.
  3. Prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

It is however recommended that children not use a fluoride based toothpaste since they have the habit of swallowing. Fluoride toothpaste when swallowed may cause side effects and could result in conditions like enamel fluorosis and others.

2) Does teeth whitening matter for you?

If you are someone looking for a radiant smile, then you can opt for a whitening toothpaste. However, whitening toothpaste is ought to be avoided if you suffer from sensitive tooth as it can affect you adversely in that case.

3) Read the label and ingredients carefully

There are several ingredients that comprise a toothpaste. Be it fluoride, glycerol, sorbitol, calcium carbonate and sodium lauryl sulfate, each one of the component plays a role in your oral health.

If you are suffering from an oral ailment, consult a dentist as he would be better able to advise on you on how the ingredients may react with your teeth.

4) Tartar & cavity control

If your cavities are serious and you are old enough, doctors recommend a high fluoride toothpaste to combat tartar and the presence of cavities.

Baking soda is also a key ingredient in toothpaste that helps combat tartar. Used mainly for cleaning purposes, baking soda also has the unique ability to combat the presence of acids which in turn prevents the spread of tooth decay.

But a toothpaste is not an all-in-one solution. Sometimes, if the tartar is serious enough, you ought to opt for a whitening solution.

Do you smoke?

For smokers, it is widely understood that having abrasive or rough materials in toothpaste might help in combating tobacco stains. Smokers also suffer from bad breath and a toothpaste should be chosen taking it into factor.

Avoid a toothpaste with excess sugar

A toothpaste with excess sugar can even accelerate tooth decay if you are suffering from one.

If you are struggling to make a decision on choosing the right toothpaste, consult a dentist as he/she will be better able to advise you on what toothpaste you ought to choose considering a number of factors like age, medical condition, personal preference and budget.

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